Medicare beneficiaries are advised by the Medicare Rights Center that they must evaluate their Medicare benefits Washington State during the open enrollment period. During this time individuals who are in Medicare plans as well as those who are in private plans must check their policies.
Even if you are already satisfied with your current plan, you also need to review them because most providers are altering their benefit packages every year. The open enrollment period is the time that Medicare beneficiaries can change their health plans and prescription coverage because there will be no restrictions. Sometimes when reviewing your plans, you can get attracted to Medicare Advantage plans. But you have to also remember that you have to read the fine print. Before choosing a low cost plan, you have to investigate it carefully. Sometimes due your health status, you might end up paying more on your premiums.
Individuals who are under the Medicare Advantage plans will be receiving their Annual Notice of Change which shows the changes on co-pays and premiums. The Medicare Rights Center also encourages people to ask some important questions before enrolling in any type of Medicare Advantage plans. This is done so that each individual can find a plan that is suited to his needs and budget. People who have Medicare Advantage plans can also change to the Original Medicare plan and add a prescription plan. Medicare beneficiaries can also take advantage of the Special Enrollment Period.
This is the time that they can enroll in Medicare Advantage plans or prescription plans. This is done once a year and during this time they are allowed to make one change. Numerous changes are not permitted. It is suggested that people should take time in reviewing their options and ask some questions so that they can choose a plan that is best for them. For more resources on Medicare benefits Washington State, you can visit as at